Entrepreneurship Fundamentals and Social Media Marketing

Entrepreneurship Fundamentals and Social Media Marketing

Entrepreneurship Fundamentals and... Entrepreneurship Fundamentals... Entrepreneurship... Wealth University
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What you will learn?

About The Course
About The Course

How to Get the Most Out of This Course

  • Commit to Positivity and Skill Mastery

    • Embody a positive mindset throughout the course.

    • Focus on mastering the skills and concepts taught.

  • Become a Social Engineer

    • Leverage every aspect of the course and community to your advantage.

    • Engage with peers and instructors to enhance your learning experience.

  • Dedicate a Week to Each Module

    • Spend a full week on each module for deeper understanding.

    • Avoid rushing through the content in a day or two.

  • Revisit Content Regularly

    • Watch videos multiple times to reinforce learning.

    • Use repetition to overcome limiting beliefs and expand your vision.

  • Adjust Your Mindset

    • Continuously work on adjusting your mindset to align with the course objectives.

    • Focus on embedding positive and growth-oriented thoughts.

  • Daily Commitment

    • Dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to the course.

    • Rewatch videos, work on your journal, and complete assignments consistently.

  • Engage Actively in the Community

    • Participate in community discussions and activities.

    • Share your insights and learn from others.

  • Consistency is Key

    • Maintain a consistent study routine.

    • Ensure regular practice and exposure to the course material.

  • Guarantee Your Success

    • Actively engage in all aspects of the course.

    • Follow the tips and strategies provided for optimal results.

  • Start Your Journey

    • Begin with a commitment to fully immerse yourself in the course.

    • Stay focused, engaged, and consistent to achieve success.


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Starting Message
Starting Message
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Social Media
Social Media


Ask Yourself ‘Why Am I on Social Media?’


Using social media effectively requires clear goals and strategies. Here are key considerations to guide your approach:


  • Define Your Purpose

    • Reflect on why you're using social media and what you aim to achieve.

    • Set goals and targets to provide direction and avoid aimless posting.

  • Set Clear Targets

    • Establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals.

    • Plan the type of content you want to share and the direction you want your platform to grow.

  • Choose the Right Platforms

    • Select platforms that align with your goals and industry.

    • Focus on one or two platforms to avoid overwhelming yourself.

  • Start with Popular Platforms

    • Consider starting with TikTok and Instagram due to their high user engagement.

  • Build and Inform Your Audience

    • Begin with a following by inviting friends and informing customers where to find you.

  • Optimize Your Profiles

    • Complete all profile information and maintain consistent branding.

    • Ensure your pages look professional and are instantly recognizable.

  • Create an Editorial Schedule

    • Plan and schedule posts to ensure regular and timely content.

    • Use the schedule to plot key dates and manage different platforms effectively.

  • Engage with Your Audience

    • Interact directly with your audience through comments and messages.

    • Create engaging content that encourages conversation and builds community.

  • Find Your Niche

    • Focus on specific topics to grow a dedicated community.

    • Identify your passions, knowledge, and sustainable content ideas.

  • Master Short-Form Video

    • Utilize TikTok and Instagram Reels for massive growth and engagement.

    • Start creating, research trends, ensure videos serve a purpose, use hooks, and batch content.


By asking why you're on social media and setting clear goals, you can create a purposeful and successful online presence.


Classroom content
Video - 229 MB
How To Start Up Business With No Money
How To Start Up Business With No Money

How to Start a Business With No Money

Starting a business with minimal financial resources is challenging but achievable. Here are practical steps to guide you:

  • Keep Your Day Job

    • Maintain a steady income while working on your business during off-hours.

    • Reduce financial stress and ensure stability until your business can sustain itself.

  • Choose a Low-Cost Business Idea

    • Freelance Writing: Write content for websites, blogs, brochures, and e-books.

    • Virtual Assisting: Offer administrative services like scheduling, managing databases, and booking travel.

    • Social Media Management: Promote businesses on social platforms and engage with their audience.

    • Graphic Design: Create designs for marketing materials like brochures, posters, and logos.

    • Tutoring: Teach subjects you're knowledgeable in, either virtually or in-person.

    • Bookkeeping: Manage financial records for small businesses.

    • Home Organizing: Help clients declutter and organize their living spaces.

    • Photography: Offer photography services, specializing in various niches like family or professional photos.

    • Dropshipping: Sell products online without holding inventory.

  • Perform Market Research

    • Validate your business idea by researching the market.

    • Identify competitors and determine your unique selling point.

    • Engage with potential customers to understand their needs and preferences.

  • Write a Business Plan

    • Company Overview: Describe your business model and legal structure.

    • Market Research: Summarize your findings and explain how your offerings meet market needs.

    • Marketing Strategy: Detail how you will promote your business.

    • Financial Plan: Outline your income and expenses, including balance sheets and cash flow projections.

  • Wear Many Hats

    • Handle various roles yourself to save costs.

    • Learn different aspects of your business and avoid premature hiring.

  • Run a Trial

    • Start with a small, local launch to test your business idea.

    • Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before scaling up.

  • Scale Up Gradually

    • Expand your business slowly to manage growth effectively.

    • Increase market reach, hire employees, and enhance marketing efforts as you achieve success.

  • Use Free Resources

    • Utilize free or low-cost resources like workshops, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities.

    • Explore local libraries, the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

  • Network

    • Build connections with industry professionals, potential investors, and other entrepreneurs.

    • Leverage these relationships for advice, promotion, and potential funding.

  • Design a Savings Plan

    • Save money for your business by tracking expenses and setting a budget.

    • Consider using a business credit card for additional perks like cash back and travel points.

  • Look for Alternative Funding

    • Friends and Family: Seek low- or no-interest loans or grants from supportive loved ones.

    • Venture Capitalists: Secure investment in exchange for equity.

    • Angel Investors: Obtain funding and mentorship from individuals using personal funds.

    • Grants: Explore federal, state, and community development grants.

    • Incubators and Accelerators: Join programs that offer mentorship and potential capital.

    • Crowdfunding: Raise funds through platforms like Kickstarter, Fundly, and SeedInvest.

    • Small Business Loans: Apply for loans from banks, credit unions, and online lenders.

Bottom Line

Starting a business without significant funds is possible with careful planning, resourcefulness, and determination. By leveraging free resources, networking, and strategic planning, you can achieve entrepreneurial success even with limited financial means.

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Video - 246 MB
Key To Success
Key To Success

Keys to Success

Success doesn't hinge on one single factor. There are multiple keys, and it's crucial to recognize and use them effectively. Here's a guide to unlocking your success:

  • Set Clear Goals

    • Establish short-term and long-term goals with specific deadlines.

    • Review your goals daily to embed them in your subconscious mind.

    • Create an action plan and a vision board to visualize your objectives and track progress.

  • Strong Work Ethic

    • Dedicate yourself fully to your goals and dreams.

    • Understand that hard work often surpasses talent.

    • Avoid laziness and be prepared to put in consistent effort.

  • Consistency

    • Maintain a steady effort in all aspects of your life, including diet, exercise, relationships, and business.

    • Ensure your work ethic and output are consistent to achieve sustainable growth and success.

  • Discipline

    • Cultivate the discipline to stick to your goals, even when it's challenging.

    • Learn to say no to distractions and short-term temptations.

    • Focus on long-term achievements and personal pride.

  • Willingness to Sacrifice

    • Be ready to make sacrifices now for future benefits.

    • Avoid the easy path and choose the one that leads to long-term success.

    • Accept short-term hardships to enjoy long-term rewards.

  • Continuous Pursuit of Knowledge

    • Embrace lifelong learning and adapt to changes.

    • Stay updated with new technologies and opportunities.

    • Remember that the more you learn, the more you can earn.

  • Ability to Listen

    • Listen to advice from those who have succeeded and failed.

    • Pay attention to feedback and criticism to improve.

    • Foster better relationships by being an attentive listener.

  • Never Quit Attitude

    • Develop resilience and determination to overcome obstacles.

    • Refuse to give up when faced with challenges.

    • Learn from failures and use them as stepping stones to success.

  • Clear Purpose in Life

    • Define your purpose and align your actions with it.

    • Understand your 'why' to navigate through any difficulties.

    • A strong sense of purpose keeps you motivated and focused.

  • Willingness to Take Risks

    • Embrace well-thought-out risks to achieve great things.

    • Understand that avoiding risks limits your potential.

    • Balance safety with bold moves to live a fulfilling and successful life.


Achieving success involves a combination of clear goals, hard work, consistency, discipline, willingness to sacrifice, continuous learning, good listening skills, resilience, a clear purpose, and the courage to take risks. Embrace these keys, and you'll be well on your way to living the life you desire.

University-winning your mind exercise

Exercise: This activity is interactive, so please participate actively.

To begin, let's identify our limiting beliefs. I'll use money as an example, but you can apply this exercise to any area of your life. It's widely recognized that limiting beliefs about money significantly impact financial outcomes.

Limiting beliefs about money:

  • "Making a lot of money is difficult."

  • "If I make a lot of money, I have to compromise my values."

  • "People with money are inherently selfish."

  • "Success requires deceit."

  • "Money is the root of all evil."

Now, take a moment to jot down a limiting belief you hold about money.

Excellent. Now, write down one limiting belief about yourself and money. For instance, "I'm not capable of managing money effectively" or "I struggle to save."

Once you've identified these limiting beliefs (remember, it's important to write them down), you'll likely recognize how they have constrained you in the past.

What negative impacts have these beliefs had on your life? Every belief shapes outcomes in its own way.

If you convince yourself that you're bad with money, you may find yourself with less financial stability.

Now that you grasp this concept, write down the consequences of your two limiting beliefs.

Feel free to pause the video here and take your time with this exercise. It's crucial to reflect on these points for yourself.

Studies indicate that writing down your beliefs and reflecting on them can significantly facilitate belief change.

I can explain the theory, but without an exercise like this, those limiting beliefs may persist. This method is far more effective. It all begins with your desire to challenge these limitations.

Now that you've identified your limiting beliefs and their consequences, it's time to delve deeper. Ask yourself a few probing questions. How might these beliefs be inaccurate?

For example, consider the belief that wealthy individuals are selfish. Look for counterexamples, such as philanthropists who generously donate to charitable causes.

Find 3-4 examples of why your belief may not hold true...

Have you written these down? Take your time... and don't forget to hit pause!

Great! Next question: What positive emotions or outcomes might you experience if you shed these limiting beliefs? You might feel more empowered and capable of achieving your goals.

Find another 3-4 examples...


Ready? Excellent!

Now, for one final step, compare the two sets of beliefs. Contrast the negative consequences of holding onto limiting beliefs with the positive outcomes of letting go. Visualize these side by side and notice how much brighter your life could be without these constraints. Take your time to reflect on this contrast.

When you change the way you view things, the things you view change.

By completing this exercise, you've taken your first steps toward a more fulfilling life. As you continue to identify and replace limiting thoughts with positive, empowering beliefs, you'll grow and improve as a person.

Struggling to achieve a goal? Feeling stuck? It's possible that a limiting belief is holding you back. Now, it's your responsibility to clearly identify these beliefs and put your newfound strategies into action.

Share your limiting beliefs, along with the positive and negative consequences, on Assignment Avenue.

(Be sure to do this, or the next module won't unlock for you.)

See you again in one week!

NB: Remember, consistency is key in these exercises. That's why the next module unlocks after one week—to give you time to reflect on and complete each assignment thoroughly from this module.

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Video - 236 MB
Stepping Out Of The Comfort Zone
Stepping Out Of The Comfort Zone

10 Ways to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Overcome Fear

Stepping outside your comfort zone is crucial for growth. Here are 10 strategies to help you overcome fear and achieve success:

  • Know What’s Outside Your Comfort Zone

    • Identify activities you avoid due to fear of failure

    • Write down your comforts and discomforts to pinpoint starting points

  • Set a Clear Vision of What You Want to Overcome

    • Analyze your specific fears in various situations

    • Understand the root causes of these fears to address them effectively

  • Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

    • Gradually expand your comfort zone by enduring discomfort longer

    • Practice regularly to make uncomfortable situations more manageable

  • Learn from Failures

    • Treat failure as a learning experience

    • Reflect on what each failure teaches you to improve future attempts

  • Take Baby Steps

    • Avoid overwhelming yourself by taking small, incremental steps

    • Start with low-stakes opportunities to build confidence

  • Surround Yourself with Risk Takers

    • Spend time with people who regularly take risks

    • Emulate their behaviors and let their influence boost your courage

  • Be Honest with Yourself When Making Excuses

    • Acknowledge when fear is the real reason behind your excuses

    • Confront your fears directly to make progress

  • Identify How Leaving Your Comfort Zone Will Benefit You

    • Focus on the personal and professional growth you will gain

    • Use these benefits as motivation to push through fear

  • Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

    • Learn to laugh at your mistakes and roll with setbacks

    • Embrace failure as part of the learning process

  • Focus on the Fun

    • Enjoy the journey and the self-discovery it brings

    • Find joy in learning new things about yourself

Why Comfort Zones Hold You Back

  • Business Impact

    • Staying in your comfort zone limits innovation and growth

    • Avoiding risks can prevent reaching new levels of success

  • Personal Impact

    • Comfort zones hinder discovering new passions and leading a fulfilling life

    • Breaking free allows for personal development and new experiences

What It Means to Be Out of Your Comfort Zone

  • Comfort Zone

    • Engaging in familiar, low-risk activities that you excel at

  • Outside Comfort Zone

    • Trying new, uncomfortable activities that involve risks and challenges

    • Pushing yourself to grow and learn new skills

Why You Should Leave Your Comfort Zone

  • Growth and Learning

    • Real growth occurs when you challenge yourself

    • Stepping out of your comfort zone fosters personal and professional development

  • Overcoming Fear of Failure

    • Fear of failure is normal but shouldn't hold you back

    • Facing fears head-on leads to strength and resilience

By implementing these strategies, you can break free from your comfort zone, overcome fear, and unlock your full potential.

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Video - 283 MB
How You See The World
How You See The World

How You See the World

  • Unique Perspectives

    • Each person's view of the world is shaped by their traumas, dilemmas, and beliefs from past experiences.

    • Parental influence can significantly affect perceptions, such as viewing money as evil if instilled with negative beliefs.

  • Understanding Money

    • Money is neutral and acts as a tool that amplifies the qualities of its user.

    • It can be used for harm or good, depending on the user's intentions.

  • The Power of Beliefs

    • Beliefs are crucial and shape your reality.

    • Limiting beliefs can restrict your potential and act as burdensome rocks hindering your progress.

  • Influence of Family and Friends

    • Family and friends' advice is often influenced by their own experiences and fears.

    • Their cautionary advice reflects their past setbacks, not disbelief in your abilities.

  • Learning from Others

    • Successful individuals and professionals share wisdom based on their life lessons.

    • They either transform limiting beliefs into empowering ones or let them hinder progress.

  • Empowerment and Self-Belief

    • Believe in yourself totally, as no one else can believe in you as intensely.

    • Embrace discomfort and conquer doubts to overcome obstacles.

  • Following Guidance

    • Follow the provided guidance diligently to transform your beliefs effectively.

    • Trust the process and witness the results firsthand in subsequent videos.

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Video - 94.3 MB
Classroom content
Video - 59.3 MB

About the teacher

Sabine Kleckova

Entrepreneur, Influencer, Investor

Sabine embarked on her career by pioneering in social media and launching various successful businesses. By the age of 25, she had made their first million through a combination of savvy property investments and diverse ventures. Her strategic approach and global travels have further enriched her experience. Today, Sabine enjoys financial independence, with a legacy of entrepreneurial success and a broad international perspective.

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